Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, November 6, 2008

OOh, Scary! I love Halloween! I think it is my Favorite Holiday! For the kids school parties. I wanted to do something Gross or Scary, for the snack. Something healthy always works on a sugar loaded day! My sis helped by making the Creative Signs. I have found that if you want to do a Halloween Scary treat or snack, all you have to do is name it something gross or weird (ie: Lil' Smokies in BBQ sauce? What else but Bloody Fingers!) So here is the food behind the name:
Witch Fingers:
Carrots (from our Garden) not peeled, just scrubbed so the creases show. (more life like)
Cream cheese: to stick on the olive
Black Olive for the finger nail, cut in half
Googly Eyes:
Plain Old Deviled Eggs with a slice of olive
Roasted Potato Bugs:
Roasted Soy Nuts, no cooking or preparing involoved!


Kate said...

My friend told me about a tradition at their house for Halloween I think I might copy. Every Halloween they have blood soup with bats to dip. The blood soup is tomato soup (I have a great homemade recipe if you want it, we can't stand the canned stuff!) and the bats are grilled cheese sandwiches cut with a cookie cutter. Anyway, thought it was cute. Sorry to hear your sister is moving away. Lesli and I used to have sisters nights once a week at my house when we lived close (have dinner and watch our favorite shows). I miss her now that she is 3 hours away. Sounds like yours will be even further :( I'm sorry!