Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, November 9, 2008

On the Sidelines

Okay, I know why Referees have whistles. Waving hands, straining vocal chords, and jumping up and down uses more energy than a whistle to break up a fight. Oh yeah, I'm talking about my little superheros. I've tried using the term "to your corner". But, the bickering doesn't stop much. So I resort to physical punishment. Before you call CPS, you'll know what I mean when I tell you that I am living out my dream of being a personal trainer. Yes, I find that push-ups, sit-ups, donkey kicks, and jumping jacks often break up the fights and leads to laughing when done facing each other.
When the kung fu artists complain about their punishment, I just keep counting out how many more they have to do. (I love to see a man sweat!) Being a loving mom, I sometimes worry if my boys actually like each other and would play together nice. Which brings me to a question I would pose to Sacrates: "Why are we nicer to our friends than our family whom we should love uncondtionally and who we will spend eternity with? I guess it is because we live with our family. If we lived with our friends, we would call them poopy pants too, right?
One night at bedtime I was about to grab the whistle so I could keep the boys focused on bedtime. They were doing Karate, it was noisy, but it was because they were having a blast. I realized, my kids do like each other. The best times they have together are at bedtime, getting ready for morning church, and other times I am trying to rush out the door. Why do they pick "getting ready" times for play? As I try to strategize against my opponents, I figure it is all a diversion. Who wants to go to bed on time? Who wants to go to church early and get one of the coveted soft, enclosed benches as opposed to the cold, noisy chairs in the gym overflow? Well, I do! So I guess, I will try out for the coaching job and learn how to be a great motivator to keep my "players" focused. Or I can throw my hands in the air and join the fun. (Being late for church a week or two won't hurt will it?)
As I keep my whistle handy, I will readily give out hugs and hope for a win! Wish me luck in the Game, the game of LIFE!


Heidi said...

Oh, you are so cute. This is so true....and next time my "team players" are fighting, I am trying the workout punishment. I really like that idea and I know they won't for very long. Thanks.

Aleesha Burke said...

Hahaha. I liked your post. It wasn't that long ago when I was the one procrastinating bedtime or going to church.

Unknown said...

I'm glad it's you, not me who's the ref. I fear for my future children.

Laura said...

Hi Shari ~ Thank you *so much* for stopping by my blog...jump in anytime! I look forward to reading your entire blog later but from what I just saw, you have a beautiful family.

And what your sister is doing for you is awesome. I wish nothing but a short wait until you can bring your Russian Angel home where she belongs.

All the best,
Laura :)

Linda said...

Hey Shari, I found your blog through Carrie hope you don't mind. You guys look wonderful. It was fun looking through and see the fun things you have been doing.