Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, November 30, 2008

In Memorium

December 1st, 2007. I can't believe it has been a year since my Grandpa Johanson passed away. It still seems weird that he is gone. I didn't get to see much of him the last 10 years. But, he came to every celebration we had in Utah for the kids. I miss his quick wit and dry sense of humor. He didn't laugh, he chuckled. His strong, wood worked hands and tall stature always made you feel like you were in the presence of greatness. We all looked "up" to him, literally. Grandpa Jo, thank you for the bear hugs, the laughs and the knuckle sandwiches. I miss you and love you.
Your Eldest Grandchild


Adam and Sherry said...

What a great tribute to your grandpa. We don't always realize what we have until it is gone. When Sherry and I got married all 8 of our grandparents were at the temple with us. We didn't think that was strange because our grandparents were always there for us. We have been married 13 years and now only my Grandpa and Grandma Wilkinson are left with us. The important thing for us to do now is pass on the things they taught us to our kids. Happy Holidays!!

SommersFam said...

Thanks for sharing some of your memories of G.Jo. We also missing him a lot! He taught Talmadge how to give "bones". He always had a quick comeback for any sly remarks made. I will also always remember how patient and loving he was with everyone that was near him.

Heather Ashcroft said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you guys have a great day. Happy Birthday to Josh too! Love ya.

Lynette said...

Hey Carters!
Just got your Christmas card in the mail today - LOVE IT! And saw your blog address - LOVE IT TOO! Can't wait to read through it and get all caught up. Hope you guys are having a great holiday season.