Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Due Date Today!

The Twins original Due Date is Today, February 11th!
They turned a month old on Thursday, Febrary 9th!
They have come a long way in a month. 
Thanks to all the nurses and doctors and prayers
from all of you, our family and friends!
I thought I would put up their most recent pictures,
and tell you what the hosiptal staff (the only people besides us that
get to see them in person) are saying about them.
"She is so cute, what gorgeous eyes!"  "She sacrificed staying in a cozy womb
for her mom and sister."  "She has a little attitude!"  "Sweet Baby!"


"What big Beautiful eyes!"  "So expressive!"  "She is a miracle baby!" "I don't know what it is about her, but she looks at you and your taken, she pulls you in and you don't want to let go!"  "She looks so good, so cute!"  " She is such a miracle!" "Does she look like her sister?"
We can't wait for each of you to meet them.  But, it will still be a while for Bethany.
She has to learn how to nipple a bottle and she is working with therapists to learn how to swallow.
With all of the tubes she had down her throat, she is having to learn to suck, breathe and swallow at the same time.  Her muscle tone needs to improve and she has some work to do with the therapists on that.  The therapist has taught me stretches and massages to do on her. She will have to see a therapist on a weekly basis when she comes home.  But, we are all still amazed at her progress.


Lyndzee said...

Oh Shari, they are beautiful. I have been thinking a lot about you and your family. I remember the joys and stresses of the nicu. Its amazing the things those precious little ones teach us. I hope you get to bring her home soon. My prayers are with you. Glad she is doing well