Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Golfing Trip

Photos by Jace: So we bought a new cool camera. We gave our 8 year old camera to Jace. These are some pics of Jace's handy clicker finger. I haven't figured out how to download our new camera yet. But, beware, there are over 500 pictures on it! (And I've only had it a month and a half!) NO you're not sitting to close! That zoom button is FUN!


Heidi said...

Hi Shari, It's Heidi. I'm so glad that you found me. I am still trying to figure out how all of this blogging stuff works. Wow, congrats on the adoption. We've adopted both of our boys and it is quite the experience. However, both of them have been a domestic adoption. Our second one will be finalized in November. I'm so glad to hear from you. Please keep posting your updates. I'll be checking back often.

.:shannon:. said...

Maybe Jace is more like dad then we thought. He's pretty good at the whole photography thing. I actually like how those pictures turned out!! Way to go Jace!!!

Aleesha Burke said...

Jace did pretty good with that camera! I look forward to seeing those 500 pictures, so you better get busy! :) It looks like I won't be making it up to the Carter residence this weekend. I have to work on Saturday, kind of a bummer. I am sad that I will miss you and the boys.

I have set up a blog if you are interested. It is private so I would have to invite you. Just email me so I have your email address. My email is aholman07@gmail.com. Hope you guys have fun down here visiting.