Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Volcanoes

My Mom and Dad joined us on the Volcano tour. We started at Mt. Rainier. The first day was gorgeous. Mt. Rainier was shy the second day and hid behind clouds and fog. Hey, you would be self-concious too if you were 14,410 ft. high!
Mount St. Helens was our next volcano. Although she blew her top off, she is still active and spewing smoke. Watch out!
We had a blast with G-ma and G-pa Sommers. Thanks Mom and Dad! We loved our Volcano Tour!


Melanie said...

Looks like a lot of fun. We may not have Mardi Gras in VA, but you need to make a trip out this way.

Anonymous said...


It's Jessica Cheney! I got your blogspot link from Mel. Isn't it crazy how fast the kids grow up and life goes by. Looks like you guys are doing well. I linked your blog from hers onto mine. Ours is listed on Mel's if you want to take a peek!